Our lab has been looking into trying to use the GFW data products for some of our research projects. We have a number of recorders in the ocean, and we would like to be able to use AIS data to try and help quantify the impact of vessels on the soundscape. The 4Wings API has been awesome to try and get at fishing activity, but I think for areas where fishing vessels are not the main source of vessel noise this is probably not telling the full story. Do you know if there are any plans to make the pink "Vessel presence" from your map tool available to the 4Wings API? Or is there a way to get that data that I'm missing? I saw the note on your website about not being able to make the raw AIS data available, but I was hoping it might be possible to get a raster summarised version with presence hours instead of raw AIS locations.
Created by Gisela Morinigo