Stationary facilities with AIS appear as duplicates when combining both the AIS and the Infrastructure APIs
Kris Moreau
At SkyTruth, we identify sources of marine pollution using both vessel and infrastructure data from GFW (both can cause pollution). When a stationary facility - such as an FPSO or an oil platform - is broadcasting AIS, it will appears on both GFW APIs, resulting as duplicate potential sources of pollution. This is misleading for advocates and journalists investigating the cause of the detected pollution, as it looks like there are 2 possible polluters when actually there is 1 likely culprit.
We would prefer to use the AIS version of the two because includes additional metadata about the AIS broadcasting facility (flag, vessel name, etc), however it is generally more accurate to describe these locations as infrastructure and not vessels, so it would be nice to append the Structure ID somehow so we can describe it correctly. (Oil slicks that come from stationary sources also look quite different from oil slicks cause by vessels in motion, so this is also useful for pollution investigators.) Is it possible to cross-reference the lat/lon of known infrastructure with known AIS to de-dupe somehow?
Examples (not exhaustive, we see this relatively frequently, especially among FPSOs/FSOs and similar floating infra) -- We also have the S1 scenes for these locations available if helpful for your investigation.
- Structure ID 239392 & MMSI 309999000 (also shared in screenshot)
- Structure IDs 340743 & 88494; MMSI 2320206.
- Structure IDs 1040285 & 77739; MMSI 235599000.
- Structure IDs 592009 & 457875; MMSI 538003299.
Jona Raphael
This is a great description of the challenge! Looking forward to seeing this resolved <3