Analysis and data download: Hours format on .csv files
Agustin Loureiro
When an analysis is performed the format of hours (apparent fishing effort or presence) is of a number without the decimal point, so is not possible to use them directly. To work with that data need to see the platform to contrast and adjust the value in the .csv file downloaded, adding the decimal point for every line. Is very difficult and time consuming.
As an example the column of hours column of a csv file is presented. It´s not possible to know where the decimal point need to be.
Please adjust the format, thank you.
Matt Gummery
Data download updated with improved format
Matt Gummery
Thanks for flagging, Agustin! I have created a new ticket for this so I can collate examples and close out this ticket -
Matt Gummery
Hi Agustin - thanks for this feedback! We have reviewed the format of data downloads and this appears to be working correctly now. Please could you double check and see if the issue has been resolved?
If it has, great! If it hasn't, please could you share detailed instructions on how you got the download (e.g. which area, which time range, which download settings) so we can attempt to resolve again? Thanks!
Agustin Loureiro
Hi Matt Gummery, it looks like the issue persist. Send attached the csv file downloaded for a fishing effort analysis: area ZEE Uruguay, Time range 01 january 2024 to 31 december 2024. Im downloading the report by pressing the download button as you can see on the screen shot. You can see for example the hours of fishing effort from the top vessel "DONA SANTINA 0" 49,9 on the screenshot and on the csv file 4949166666666660.
Jose Angel Parreño
Agustin Loureiro thanks for reporting and testing!
I haven't been able to replicate the issue so my assumption is some local number formatting and I've just released a improvement for that. Can you please test it again? Thanks!
Agustin Loureiro
Hi José, i made fishing effort (AIS and VMS) and presence analysis and now the numbers look good! Great job!
regarding the names of vessels, with the Brazilian fleet some show changes between the original name and the one in the csv files. Look like has some problems with particular characters of that language. For example: João Pedro I, São José III and Vô Hildo changes to: